Monday, 28 May 2007

Tapestry 4.1 jdk issues - fixed in 4.1.1

Lately I have spend some time investigating a Tapestry and Java 1.4 issue.
It evolved into a jira issue and yesterday Jesse Kuhnert closed the jira as the issue is fixed in 4.1.2-snapshot.
Actually it is already fixed in 4.1.1 as I tried my little testcase against 4.1.1 this morning.

Discovering this will most likely result in Bayeux targeting tapestry 4.1.1 in the final 2.0.0 release comming up.

Also I hope the changes report will tell that the issue has been fixed when a new site is updated. At the current time of writing the changes report states that the 4.1.1 is unreleased although the binary can be downloaded from the central maven repository.

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